Thursday, January 27, 2011

Forgetful much? Why, yes! Yes, I am!

Wow- maybe I should start with a weekly thankfulness blog instead of daily. I am not very good at remembering to do this. Let's see- I was able to take my truck in to get it fixed this week, and I have a nice rental that I am driving in the meantime. Jake's truck is broken- pretty badly- but between Jake and Bryan I think they have enough knowledge to fix it. I am praying that it doesn't cost too much. I am grateful that God cares about all these little things, and that he loves me enough to know how many hairs are on my head, so I know He is listening. (Of course that number gets smaller every day). We got a couple of checks we have been waiting for this week...just in time to pay for the body work on the car :) And my favorite- it looks like it will be a sunny warm day! How I love the sunshine :heart:

Monday, January 24, 2011


Missed the weekend. I was really hurting and just did nothing really. I was grateful for my pets. They really entertain and amuse me and keep my spirits up on the days I am down.

Monday- I am grateful for the totally cool rental car guy who got me a great car with heated seats. They will feel nice on my achy bones during this cold weather. And to my hubby for getting the coverage necessary for me to have a rental while my car is being repaired. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011


Some days I am going to have to dig deep to complete this. This is one of those days. :) I did enjoy a phone call and get to catch up with a relative today. Edna and Bill are good down-to-earth people and I'm glad they thought enough of me to call- I am not always good at staying in touch, but I was grateful for them thinking of us.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Out and About

I am grateful today that I was able to get out and about. It is super windy, and getting colder, but the sun was out and I didn't hurt too badly. I may be hurting later when my husband sees what I spent, though. :O

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kid Stuff

Back when Ben was in 8th grade, he decided he wasn't going to play cello anymore. Nevermind the fact that we had just PURCHASED a cello for him, or the fact that he was talented and really had seemed to enjoy playing. He told us his decision, and we told him ours! :) He was sticking with it for at least a couple more years and then we could revisit it after he had experienced high school orchestra. He really gave us hell when we told him he couldn't quit. Made us miserable for a couple of months. We knew there were some middle school issues, and we stuck by our guns no mater how often we were told what bad parents we were.

Today- Ben plays several instruments- cello, bass violin, guitar, bass guitar and he is learning keyboards. His career plans are to be...a music teacher. So imagine when I overheard him telling his sister to buck up and stick out her freshman year in a magnet school. "Of course you hate it- it's hard. Everyone hates it. Mom and dad didn't let me quit music and I am very grateful for that- just like you will be someday".

Whaaaaaaat? Thank you, Lord, for giving us the fortitude to stick out the tantrums. And thanks in advance for helping us out with the other two- seeing an end result makes it easier to stay the course.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It is still the same day, right?

Last night left me wiped out today. I was so tired all day. So grateful that my sweet husband had the day off and went to my doctor's appointment with me. We had a day full of doctor's visits actually, and I know that this wasn't his idea of a "day off", but he never complained once. AND- he picked up pizza for dinner because I was so tired. Thanks for being such a great hubby- love you!

What to be grateful for at 3 AM?

Insomnia is a frequent guest here. Tonight though I decided to try to think of some good things for a change instead of my normal worrying. Taking a cue from my friend Piper, I decided a daily blog on thankfulness might be a way to push aside the fretting to make way for more gratitude. So here I am at 3 AM hoping that this is actually as legible as my tired brain thinks it is :)

I am so grateful right now that I am surrounded by quiet, peacefully sleeping, healthy children. Sometimes I take that for granted, but tonight I am feeling truly blessed by it.